
To the Boanerges' Pentecostal Apostolic Assembly, Where the Spirit of the Lord reigns supreme. Where our Shepherd the Honorable Bishop, Laresa Anderson preaches the unadulterated Word of God in Spirit and Power. We are nothing new, we are a continuation of that which began at the day of Pentecost (Acts 2), tending for the SAME FAITH ONCE delivered unto the Saints (Jude).

Our Motto:  You do not have to fake it until you make it, just be REAl untill you are HEALED!

The Aim and Objectives of the Elders of BPAA is To:

Promote the cause of Jesus Christ, He died to save sinners thus destroying the works of the devil, through the repentance of sin: Baptizing all candidates in the name of Jesus in accordance to Acts 2:38; Develop and encourage a greater relationship, fellowship and unity with Christ in the lives of its members; Teach the Doctrine of Jesus as the Word of God, Jesus being the Son of the Living God, the sacrificial Lamb of God our Savior and the King of every nation; Emphasize the imprtance of maintaining a spirit-filled life; encourage activities that will result in great revival in the Saints with attitudes equipped of Kingdom building. 

With the help if God BPAA leaders shall form the new converts into local congregations and ordain Elders and Deacons to oversee the spiritual and temporal interest of the Saints.

The Assemble Times Are:

 We begin our week on Sunday at 10 am - Saints Education (children & adults); 11:30 am - Noonday Praise & Worship; 4 pm - 1st & 2nd (2nd Sun. Fellowship) & 3rd Sundays; 7 pm Wednesday - Pastorial Instruction & Bible Teaching; Saturday 10 am - Evangelist Team Training; 5:30 am - Mon. - Fri. - Morning Prayer